Luigi Bormioli CC6606912 Michelangelo Masterpiece Double Old Fashioned
Luigi Bormioli CC6606912 Michelangelo Masterpiece Double Old FashionedLuigi Bormioli CC6606912 Michelangelo Masterpiece Double Old Fashioned
Luigi Bormioli CC6606912 Michelangelo Masterpiece Double Old Fashioned- Featuring Sparkx technology for an ultra clear transparency, these tumblers provide for a durable construction yet feature an elegant and sophisticated design.
Luigi Bormioli CC6607177 Perlage Champagne Flute
Luigi Bormioli CC6607177 Perlage Champagne FluteLuigi Bormioli CC6607177 Perlage Champagne Flute
Luigi Bormioli CC6607177 Perlage Champagne Flute- Our wide selection of champagne flutes will assist you to find the perfect match. From long, skinny bowl and thin stem, through to wide bowl options that narrow at the top.
Luigi Bormioli CC6607500 Veronese Beverage
Luigi Bormioli CC6607500 Veronese BeverageLuigi Bormioli CC6607500 Veronese Beverage
Luigi Bormioli CC6607500 Veronese Beverage- These oval shaped tumblers provide a contemporary appearance to any table setting.
Luigi Bormioli CC6607693 Vintage Decanter
Luigi Bormioli CC6607693 Vintage DecanterLuigi Bormioli CC6607693 Vintage Decanter
Luigi Bormioli CC6607693 Vintage Decanter- Each decanter has a new revolutionary treatment to prevent dripping that ensures a constant flow when pouring.
Luigi Bormioli CC6607697 Rubino Red Wine
Luigi Bormioli CC6607697 Rubino Red WineLuigi Bormioli CC6607697 Rubino Red Wine
Luigi Bormioli CC6607697 Rubino Red Wine- A timeless collection designed for food service featuring Sparkx technology for an ultra-clear appearance.
Luigi Bormioli CC6607698 Rubino Grand Vini
Luigi Bormioli CC6607698 Rubino Grand ViniLuigi Bormioli CC6607698 Rubino Grand Vini
Luigi Bormioli CC6607698 Rubino Grand Vini- A timeless collection designed for food service featuring Sparkx technology for an ultra-clear appearance.
Luigi Bormioli CC6607699 Rubino Bordeaux
Luigi Bormioli CC6607699 Rubino BordeauxLuigi Bormioli CC6607699 Rubino Bordeaux
Luigi Bormioli CC6607699 Rubino Bordeaux- A timeless collection designed for food service featuring Sparkx technology for an ultra-clear appearance.
Luigi Bormioli CC6607700 Rubino Champagne Flute
Luigi Bormioli CC6607700 Rubino Champagne FluteLuigi Bormioli CC6607700 Rubino Champagne Flute
Luigi Bormioli CC6607700 Rubino Champagne Flute- A timeless collection designed for food service featuring Sparkx technology for an ultra-clear appearance.
Luigi Bormioli CC6607718 Rubino Double Old Fashioned
Luigi Bormioli CC6607718 Rubino Double Old FashionedLuigi Bormioli CC6607718 Rubino Double Old Fashioned
Luigi Bormioli CC6607718 Rubino Double Old Fashioned- A timeless collection designed for food service featuring Sparkx technology for an ultra-clear appearance.